Ok....I'm extremely blog stupid because I've tried to link to my new favorite blogs....namely KB and the "other" Amy and I
canna figure it out
daggonnit! KB tried to instruct me this morning but that was
sooo many hours ago that my brain
musta had a couple of "fart sequences" and forgot! (Sorry KB...I'll keep trying!)
Anywho, today is one of my "
FAVORITEST" days of the year....St. Patrick's Day of course, and anyone who knows me knows that I embrace my Irish heritage most of all. I think it has something to do with the love of beer and the fiery temper, but *shrugs* who knows. Anyway, I was a rebel and wore green today instead of the customary red, but the BL didn't seem to mind at all.
I want to say, thank God for Jimmy John's and their ability to deliver to gals who happen to be in the shop by myself for the majority of my shift. (BTW, the tuna sub is to die for...but I'm sure the customers didn't appreciate it much!) Of course, the cute little delivery guy should be thanking me, I was so hungry that I tipped him $4 for bringing it to me!
(BTW, I know this blog is jumping around like Mexican jumping beans....but it's almost 11pm and I'm
sooo hyper that I know I won't be in bed before 4am...so bear with me!)
My buddy, OJ (not the one that did those bad things in CA and denied it even though we all knew he was guilty).....anyway, my buddy OJ, is under the weather and has been in the hospital for a few days recovering so I want to send healing prayers and thoughts his way and the hopes that I get to take advantage of his "ill" state when I come home later this week to talk his leg off because he can't escape in his weakened state! *cue
maniacial laughter*
Yes, I'm traveling home this week to spend the Easter holiday with my family. I'm so excited to see them all, since it's been since Christmas since I have seen any of them....but truthfully, I look so forward to
Momma's cooking....my goodness, that woman was blessed with a golden spatula. She is a wonderful cook....and my dimpled butt and thighs are just aching to taste her cooking.....
And on the totally off subject.....(do ya think I have attention
deficit disorder? I'm thinking so!!!) can I tell you how much I hate the "newest" swing jackets that are the "in" thing this season? Just so ya know, I hated maternity clothes when I was ACTUALLY
preggers, don't really want people thinking I am again! *
BLECH* those things are
soooo fugly (a word + ugly....the word would cause my momma to slap my face, so I won't say it!
Like I said, my thoughts are kinda scattered due to my hyper state....I apologize! I'm off to ground myself by watching several episodes of "My Name is Earl"......*giggles* Later