1. What's his name?
BBC aka my Bobby Bear Cat
2. How long have you been married?
will be three years in August
3. How long did you date?
we began talking in February, he proposed in May and we married in August (all of the same year!)
4. How old is he?
He is 55, I'm 35 and we have more in common that couples that are only a few months apart!
5. Who eats more?
Since we have both quit smoking in February, I believe that we tie each other in how much better food tastes nowadays!
6. Who said "I love you" first?
I believe he did, quickly followed by mine....we both had felt it for a few weeks...he was the braver!
7. Who is smarter?
BBC definitely is! He's a government accountant and has an inane ability to retain what he calls "totally useless trivia" which hopefully will win us tons of money on Jeopardy someday!
8.Whose temper is worse?
hmmm.....me being Irish/German and him being a red-headed German....I think that one is a draw!
9.Who does the laundry?
It is a dual effort, I will do it sometimes, but if I've worked on my feet all day.....BBC is a wonderful laundry guy!
10.Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
BBC.....because I'm a left handed girl. We always seem to find ourselves entwined during the night and his C-pap blows sweet nothings in my ear....*grins*
11.Who pays the bills?
It's a combined effort. He pays the majority online and I will write out the checks for those that don't pay online. (Although he knows I'm HORRIBLE when it comes to money!....I've never balanced a checkbook in nearly 18 years!)
12.Who cooks dinner?
Dual effort again....if I've worked all day on the weekends BBC will cook, if I'm at home during the day and he's at work...I do the duty....more times than most, it's "yes, Pizza Hut...delivery please" LOL!
13.Who drives when you are in the same car?
Again, another toss up! Either/or...
14.Who is more stubborn?
*Laughs* again, its a toss up....I can be sooo pig-headed, but don't tell him I said so..but so can he!
15.Whose parents do you see the most?
Mine (and we don't see them often enough!)....sad to say, that his passed away before I knew him. Mine live in WV and we're in IL....so we don't get to see them as often as we'd like.
16.Who proposed?
He did. He dropped to his knee after carousing me into the jewelry store "just to try rings on for kicks"...of course, I burst into happy tears right in front of the entire store and said "yes, yes, a million times yes!"
17. Who has more friends?
I think we both have an equal amount of "true" friends. We both tend to be friendly, but guarded when we completely open up with people to become "true" friends.
18. Who has more siblings?
*Laughs* again a tie, he has one brother....as do I. His is older by two years, mine is younger by four.
19. Who wears the pants in the family?
I don't think either of us "wear the pants". We approach decisions together and we work through them together. We both take each other's input with respect and equal judgement. Again, I say we're perfectly suited! LOL!
BBC aka my Bobby Bear Cat
2. How long have you been married?
will be three years in August
3. How long did you date?
we began talking in February, he proposed in May and we married in August (all of the same year!)
4. How old is he?
He is 55, I'm 35 and we have more in common that couples that are only a few months apart!
5. Who eats more?
Since we have both quit smoking in February, I believe that we tie each other in how much better food tastes nowadays!
6. Who said "I love you" first?
I believe he did, quickly followed by mine....we both had felt it for a few weeks...he was the braver!
7. Who is smarter?
BBC definitely is! He's a government accountant and has an inane ability to retain what he calls "totally useless trivia" which hopefully will win us tons of money on Jeopardy someday!
8.Whose temper is worse?
hmmm.....me being Irish/German and him being a red-headed German....I think that one is a draw!
9.Who does the laundry?
It is a dual effort, I will do it sometimes, but if I've worked on my feet all day.....BBC is a wonderful laundry guy!
10.Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
BBC.....because I'm a left handed girl. We always seem to find ourselves entwined during the night and his C-pap blows sweet nothings in my ear....*grins*
11.Who pays the bills?
It's a combined effort. He pays the majority online and I will write out the checks for those that don't pay online. (Although he knows I'm HORRIBLE when it comes to money!....I've never balanced a checkbook in nearly 18 years!)
12.Who cooks dinner?
Dual effort again....if I've worked all day on the weekends BBC will cook, if I'm at home during the day and he's at work...I do the duty....more times than most, it's "yes, Pizza Hut...delivery please" LOL!
13.Who drives when you are in the same car?
Again, another toss up! Either/or...
14.Who is more stubborn?
*Laughs* again, its a toss up....I can be sooo pig-headed, but don't tell him I said so..but so can he!
15.Whose parents do you see the most?
Mine (and we don't see them often enough!)....sad to say, that his passed away before I knew him. Mine live in WV and we're in IL....so we don't get to see them as often as we'd like.
16.Who proposed?
He did. He dropped to his knee after carousing me into the jewelry store "just to try rings on for kicks"...of course, I burst into happy tears right in front of the entire store and said "yes, yes, a million times yes!"
17. Who has more friends?
I think we both have an equal amount of "true" friends. We both tend to be friendly, but guarded when we completely open up with people to become "true" friends.
18. Who has more siblings?
*Laughs* again a tie, he has one brother....as do I. His is older by two years, mine is younger by four.
19. Who wears the pants in the family?
I don't think either of us "wear the pants". We approach decisions together and we work through them together. We both take each other's input with respect and equal judgement. Again, I say we're perfectly suited! LOL!
WOW! Two posts in ONE day! You go girlie!
It's always fun to read those trivia type posts on other people's blogs. I never do them because it hurts my brain to much to have to think of all those answers! ROFL!
You two sound "perfectly" happy together! TEE HEE!
Hi Amy,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Nice to meet you too!
Thanks for sharing...it was great to get to know ya a little better...missed ya at the store today..!
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